If you making a living or picking up extra cash driving for transportation network companies (TNC) such as Uber and Lyft you might want to check your insurance coverage.
The Texas personal auto insurance policy excludes coverage when a vehicle is being used as a “public or livery conveyance.” Transportation network companies provide insurance once a match has been made and a driver is on his way to pick up a customer, and while a customer is being transported. But a coverage gap still exists from the time you turn on the app until a rider match is made.
Example – if you are trolling for a rider match and your TNC app is on and you have an accident, your current personal auto insurance policy will not pay for bodily injury, property damage, medical, collision or comprehensive coverages.
How to close the gap. Give us a call and ask us about our auto insurance policy that can be customized to include RideSharing Coverage on the vehicle you use to transport riders. Let us help you close the gap in your coverage.
These materials are for informational purposes only. All statements made are subject to the provisions, exclusions, conditions and limitations of the applicable insurance policy. If the information in these materials conflicts with the policy language that it describes, the policy language prevails
Photo by Peter Fazekas from Pexels